17-1 Hechuan Road, Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province +86 19050270662 [email protected]
Want to add something new and exciting in your bedroom? Where you ever thought your bedroom is a little dull, do this with some wood slat walls behind the bed! This simple method can take your dull and impersonal bedroom to one that welcomes you with a warm embrace every time!
You can bring a wood slat wall behind your bed without breaking the bank! DIY WOOD SLAT WALL — With just a few supplies you can make a DIY Wood Slat Wall. If you get gonna cover a wall,first measure the size of room to understand how considerably wood do u need. Purchase a amount of wood slats to match (after you've measured for the proper quantity by covering that space). Step 2: Using a saw, cut the slats to fit your wall. If you don't know how to use a saw, get someone responsible to help you as safety is important! Then just attach the slats to your wall with a nail gun, or hammer and nails. Make certain everything is neat and tidy, hone your time. When you are done, your wall will be tiled with wood and every time you enter the bedroom its charm!
So, you can make a wooden slat headboard for your bed. Depending on your skills and comfort level regarding DIY this can be an easy headboard to pull off, or a bit more difficult. Start by measuring how high you want the headboard to be and cutting your wood slats accordingly. There must be a gel dividing line so that it looks cool! Next, grab a nail gun or hammer and nails to then attach the slats to ply wood, even an old door you may have laying around that your not using. Finally, affix the headboard to the wall directly behind and above your bed securely. When it is all said and done you will have a great headboard that not only looks good but also makes your room warm as well as feel natural.
Then when you make a wall of wood slats in the background, it gives that little touch t oh so charming your room. The warm wood will make a welcoming, soothing spot to decompress from your day. Wood Slat Wall: If your bedroom is all white or plain, adding a wood slat wall can give it character and make the place more homey. You could even add in some throw pillows or warm blankets to go with the new aesthetic!
Nature in decor is today one of the most extensive due to that whole bring-the-outside-in philosophy. A wood slat wall behind your bed will give a bit of added nature to the comfort of home. It feels homey, warm and textural after a long day at school or running around outside. You can also place some plants or pictures of nature on the wall, to have a little corner where you tensely calm down.