17-1 Hechuan Road, Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province +86 19050270662 [email protected]
Would you like to enjoy your place even more? That is where Wood Slat Acoustic Panel from Kamowei come in! These extraordinary boards are traditionally made of wood thus fitted together within such a frame. They can truly alter the ambience of a space! So, these are some great reasons why wood slat panels would be an amazing decor option for your space.
Also, one of the biggest benefits that you get when using wood slat panels is they really help with sound in a room. Been anywhere that had too much echo… where it was hard to hear what anyone else is saying? Wood slat panels are great for reducing some of that sound. Hence, the conversations are much more legible with Wooden Slat acoustic panel from Kamowei. Can help in noisy environments, such as offices or restaurants where multiple people may be speaking simultaneously. Wood slat panels will certainly create a more peaceful and comfy ambiance.
Adding texture to your room is another reason you should be using wood slat paneling. A lot of smooth surfaces, like glass or metal after a while and something textured is nice to break the flow for it. The Wood slat panel|240 from Kamowei will also work well here as they have a 3D effect which can give nice shadows. It adds they the room a more cozy feeling; and who does not love being warm!?
Wood Slats Panels consist of vertical thin slabs pieces which are aligned in a frame. You often hear them referred to as louvers or shutters since the slats rotate and allow you adjust how much light and air come into your home. However for the most part Wood slat panel|60 are used as decoration. It can add a whole lot of flavor to the place they are in.
Wood Slat Panel Accents are very simple to install, also this particular thing material gives a great ceiling decoration too. At which point, Wooden Slat acoustic panel simply can be installed with some adhesive or nails — no real tools needed. This way you can have a little diy project fun with out the huge headache / mess.